Totara – Assessment and Compliance

Totara has a range of assessment options including a sophisticated assessment engine where you can create assessments from banks of questions and track scores and completion rates. You can also load assessments developed with popular 3rd party authoring tools.

Many of our clients operate in highly regulated or safety-critical environments where compliance is understandably a primary issue. Therefore the ability to determine compliance criteria and maintain a clear and accurate audit trail is a must-have feature.

Your compliance training is not just about meeting legal and regulatory requirements, it is often critically important for personal safety. Totara will help you manage your compliance programmes.

Assessment setup

  • Create multiple question banks for use within a topic, single course, course category or for site-wide use.
  • Generate assessments using one or more question banks, with randomisation if you wish.
  • Set course completion on assessment completion or score, or any other activity such as e-learning or classroom session.
  • Import SCORM assessments created using authoring tools such as Quizmaker.

Records and evidence

  • Report on individual questions, user scores and provide automated feedback.
  • Track completion of individual activities such as e-learning, classroom sessions and assessments.
  • Track completion of courses where pre-determine completion criteria have been met.
  • When appropriate, manually grade submitted activities and use free-text responses.
  • Maintain current and historical records of active and completed learning for all employees.
  • Run in-depth reporting on which personnel have passed, completed or not completed assessments and compliance training.

Contact us to discuss your requirement, view a demonstration or request a quote.
