News & Article

Day: November 1, 2012
LMS trends, features and evaluation

Understanding your organisation’s need for an LMS and choosing the solution that best fits your requirement are important success factors. In this webinar recording, you will learn about LMS trends, features and important things to consider when evaluating software.

LMS design principles

Online educators must consider design principles such as appearance, navigation, accessibility, personalisation and structure to ensure effective use of their learning management system. View our webinar recording.

VET sector reform delivered by ASQA

The national regulator, ASQA, continues to deliver reform to the VET sector. Learn more about the challenges and opportunities this presents for RTOs.

Education Revolution?

Significant government funding during the past 4 years is yet to yield substantial improvements in student performance. According to the recently released NAPLAN Summary Report, national average scoresĀ for reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy have remained comparatively stagnant forĀ 2008-12.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

This book aims to increase your EQ with 66 proven strategies to increase your self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. It also provides online access to the world’s bestselling emotional intelligence test.