Mobile learning allows your organisation to delivery training just in time and on the go. Mobile learning has many advantages; it enables learners to benefit from e-learning away from the office.
Mobile learning allows your organisation to delivery training just in time and on the go. Mobile learning has many advantages; it enables learners to benefit from e-learning away from the office.
Social learning is an important part of how we learn and share our experiences. The distinction between social media and social learning is an important one to make. We look at how you can integrate social learning into your organisation’s learning culture.
Open Badges make it easy for any organisation or learning community to issue, earn and display badges across the web. They also help give the learner new skills, achievements, and ownership of their own professional and personal development.
Millenials (also known as Generation Y, Digital Generation, to name a few) are the new breed of employees that organisations need to cater for. This new generation of workers are proficient users of technology; they have a different learning style and work culture. A recent study conducted by PwC, claims millenials will comprise 50% of the global workforce. The question is whether organisations are ready for them and how do you engage them?
Most organisations have had some contact with webinars; some may have been successful and others not so successful. A successful webinar is measured by how well the audience has engaged, and how interactive the session is. These elements combined produce a positive online experience for the user.