News & Article

Day: April 1, 2015
Totara 2.7 released

This stellar software release contains many new features including graphical reporting, dynamic appraisals and audience-based dashboards, and enhancements to existing features such as face-to-face and report builder. Beyond the new features and improvements, accessibility and usability have also been enhanced.

Moodle MOOC announced

Moodle HQ is running another Learn Moodle MOOC this year. It kicks off 9th August 2015. Teaching with Moodle: An introduction is for anybody who wants to use Moodle for teaching, whether it be in a school, a university, a company or just personal interest.

Discover your Star Wars team role

Every galaxy needs a strong team that works well together and learns from each other. Social learning is at the heart of success, making the team collectively stronger and more knowledgeable. How do you help your team to learn and perform better? What is your social learning style? Take this short quiz to discover your Star Wars team role.