Swine Flu Forces School Closure

ONE of the state’s most prestigious schools was recently closed after a student was diagnosed with swine flu, the fifth school to close in Queensland.

Brisbane Girls Grammar was the affected school and followed Queensland Health and the Education Department’s advice in shutting down. The closure came after one of the school’s students fell ill with the virus. Students and staff in contact with the case were contacted by Queensland Health and offered a course of anti-viral medication.

While there have been 107 confirmed cases of swine flu since the outbreak began in May in Queensland, there have been 665 cases of seasonal influenza in the state until June 7 this year.

Fortunately, BGGS had an excellent contingency plan and was able to minimise disruption to normal classes during the school closure. The school has invested in expert e-learning consultancy from My Learning Space and implemented a web-based learning management system that ensures students and teachers are able communicate and share resources online without face to face classes. Does your organisation have an effective contingency plan, in the event that unforeseen circumstances force your staff and learners to stay at home?
