Looking to promote and sell self-paced online, face-to-face and blended courses? Wondering which features are key to making your sales experience seamless. In this article, we outline
No genius required Would you like to improve your Moodle courses? Hopefully your answer is [[fingers crossed]] yes! Just think, your learners are engaged daily
Off-the-shelf content is designed to accommodate a large audience and cover a diverse spectrum of workplace topics – such as Workplace Health & Safety, Bullying
In Part 2 of Making Technology work for Your Organisation, we share another 3 tips which may be of benefit in a technology-driven organisation. Communicate with stakeholders
Organisations are learning the art of balancing a discontent, disengaged and recently, a remote workforce, with the need for employing highly skilled workers. So, how
Moodle Workplace 3.11 is based on the latest release of Moodle LMS and includes all-exclusive features to better support workplace learning. Share your reports with