News & Article

Category: News
L&D Health Check, An MLS Service

You go to the doctor to check out a persistent hack, so why not assess the risk of not doing something about training? Luckily, the

Digital Learning Space: Your Virtual Hub

A digital learning space is a virtual hub that gives your learners access to a wide range of learning materials. The International Space Station is

Smart LMS: AI and The Future of eLearning

The smart LMS in the future of eLearning can be found in what is called embedded AI (Artificial Intelligence). Much has been made of out-of-control AI

Moodle 3.5 is released

Moodle 3.5 has landed. As per usual with every major release, there’s a bunch of new features, enhancements, bug fixes and security patches. Moodle 3.5

The MLS L&D Calculator

We’re going to give you a cheat sheet: the My Learning Space L&D Calculator.  This little L&D calculator was ginned up to help you calculate

Blended Learning: The Factors Involved

Blended Learning is an overarching term that usually means combining face-to-face classroom instruction with online delivery of certain parts of the course. The ratio of

Content Design: The Key is Visuals

Content design in your LMS is the key building block for success; and a key component of that design is how you approach the visuals

eLearning Jobs Are In Demand

eLearning jobs are on the upswing, judging from employment search engine inquiries. If you got to, a popular job hub for Australia, as of