Augmented Reality or AR has been around for decades. First used by Boeing engineers some 30 years ago to understand complex wiring diagrams, AR is now
Augmented Reality or AR has been around for decades. First used by Boeing engineers some 30 years ago to understand complex wiring diagrams, AR is now
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is a fact of life in the workplace. Most employees and contractors now bring their smart phones and tablets to
What sparks your design creativity? It’s an interesting question with answers that are as varied as the way you approach design problems. Recently, the E-Learning Guild
Moodle 3.3 has landed. And it is ready for use!
Future Makers is an innovative partnership between Queensland Museum Network and QGC formed to encourage students, teachers and the community to get involved in science,
Moodle HQ has announced another Learn Moodle MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), starting on 19 June 2017.
Moodle 3.3 is scheduled for release 15 May 2017. As per major releases, new features and improvements will be added to the software.
User Generated Content (UGC) is a tricky piece of business for L&D professionals. The idea behind incorporating UGC in your training is that the dynamic nature
We’re going to show you a picture that really gets to the heart of content marketing. This is a still image from a Road Runner
What are success metrics? In our previous article we discussed the four types of learning analytics tools that can be used to produce a better