As a new financial year kicks-off, now is the perfect time for a fresh approach in the workplace. Here’s a few simple ideas that may help improve happiness, well-being and productivity in your organisation.
As a new financial year kicks-off, now is the perfect time for a fresh approach in the workplace. Here’s a few simple ideas that may help improve happiness, well-being and productivity in your organisation.
Icons can make or break a learning experience with what they communicate and their design.
Video scripting doesn’t mean you need a degree from film school. You can write your own training videos using a simple template.
Applying yoga techniques to elearning may not be as far fetched as you think. The basis of yoga and any meditation discipline is mindfulness.
On 31st March 2016, Martin Dougiamas, founder of Moodle, will receive an honorary doctorate, an award which recognises his decisive contribution in the field of education.
Moodle 3 Administration is a book written by Alex Büchner. It is written for technicians, system administrators or any person responsible for the administration of a Moodle site.
Moodle Mobile version 2.9 has been released! The app is available for download via Google Play and the App Store.
Mentoring and collaboration are important components of your evolving LMS. This networking allows you to achieve decentralised knowledge transfer.
The Elearning Guild and Adobe Systems are behind some interesting research into changing trends in corporate LMS use and design. A survey the organisations recently released paints a rosy picture for corporate LMS use, but also highlights a relatively high level of dissatisfaction with current corporate online learning systems.
While corporate dissatisfaction with online learning remains high, there are many bright spots to focus on in the future of LMS development.