Open Badges make it easy for any organisation or learning community to issue, earn and display badges across the web. They also help give the learner new skills, achievements, and ownership of their own professional and personal development.
Open Badges make it easy for any organisation or learning community to issue, earn and display badges across the web. They also help give the learner new skills, achievements, and ownership of their own professional and personal development.
Millenials (also known as Generation Y, Digital Generation, to name a few) are the new breed of employees that organisations need to cater for. This new generation of workers are proficient users of technology; they have a different learning style and work culture. A recent study conducted by PwC, claims millenials will comprise 50% of the global workforce. The question is whether organisations are ready for them and how do you engage them?
Totara 2.5 has been officially released. There’s a variety of new features and enhancements. This release also inherits all the goodness of Moodle 2.5 functionality.
Empowering organisations with the capacity to measure and manage staff performance provides the knowledge to put the best people where they are needed. Totara 2.5 includes a new performance management module. Put simply, its purpose it to make it easy for organisations to improve employee performance.
Customising training to the appropriate learner is equally important as designing the right content. Knowing who your learners are and how they learn will help you develop effective training. We’ve shortlisted 5 ideas to consider when developing training for adult learners.
Social media has integrated into every aspect of our daily lives: business and social. Learning and development professionals can use social tools to create effective and interactive solutions for their organisation. We look at how social media can support e-learning.
Blended learning may not be new but remains relevant to many learning and development professionals. It comprises of face to face learning, web-based technologies such as web-conferencing as well as e-learning.
At the recent iMoot Conference, Moodle Founder and Lead Developer, Martin Dougiamas, outlined the future for Moodle.
Good planning and design are important elements when developing content for online training. We’ve shared seven tips to effectively convert face to face to online training.
Teaching students to think critically is a skill taught traditionally in the classroom; however, with sophisticated technology and problem-based learning trainers can provide viable solutions to help support learners to think critically.