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Category: News
Blooms taxonomy

Blooms Taxonomy refers to the classification of the different objectives that serve not only as a measurement tool but also as learning objectives. A 2001 study by Andrerson and Krathwol sets out a revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.

6 ways to create engaging e-learning

Designing e-learning that engages the learner and creates a positive learning experience requires expert knowledge and skill. We share six ideas instructional designers need to consider.

My Learning Space becomes a Telework Partner

My Learning Space is working with the Australian Government Department of Broadband, Communications, and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) to help promote its national telework initiative.

National Digital Strategy

2020 is the target year for Australia to become one of the world’s leading digital economies. The National Digital Economy Strategy outlines the Australian Government’s Digital Economy Goals that will see it achieving its vision.

7 things to know about the new learning ecosystem

Is your organisation developing e-learning strategies to make the transition from traditional learning to an online learning management system? Here are seven things to know about the new learning ecosystem.

Multi-device e-learning

Multi-device e-learning is rapidly expanding to meet the learning needs of its end users. Recent developments in HTML5 mean that designers can now develop a single e-learning module which can work across multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. The solution developed to meet this need is responsive e-learning.

Wearable technology

Wearable technology is fast becoming the future. Google recently launched its first product, and now there is speculation that Apple is also exploring wearable technology.

Totara publishes Open Badges White Paper

This paper highlights the potential for open badges to help solve an entrenched problem: a disconnect between learning paths, corporate training outcomes and vocational outcomes.

70-20-10 learning model

The 70-20-10 model is a learning and development model that has been adopted by many organisations both within Australia and overseas. While there is a distinct lack of empirical data, the 70-20-10 model is a practice many learning and education teams adopt within their organisations. A recent white paper demystifies the model and provides a useful insight for L&D professionals.

Gartner identifies 10 Technology Trends for 2013

Gartner, the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company, identified ten technologies that they believe will be strategic for most organisations. Learn more about the ten technology trends for 2013.