News & Article

Category: News
How to use MoodleNet

MoodleNet is Moodle’s open source federated platform for educators, focused on open educational resources (OER). MoodleNet can be used to share digital content into any Moodle site. 

Content import and export with Moodle Workplace

The Migration feature in Moodle Workplace allows you to easily export and import all or selected parts of your Moodle Workplace installation to or from the same site or a different one.

Check your Moodle site performance with the Benchmark plugi
How to test your Moodle site performance

It is useful for Moodle administrators to know how well their Moodle site is performing. Check your Moodle site performance with the Benchmark plugin.

Are you making the most of Moodle 4?

With Moodle 4 now at your finger tips, it’s time to consider if you’re actually making the most of it in your Moodle courses. It’s a great opportunity to refresh how you Moodle. Here we will explore some opportunities you can capitalise on.

mylearningspace Moodle Partner Australia
mylearningspace wins Moodle Partner Community Contributor of the Year Award 2022

Moodle Partner Awards have been announced for 2022. Big news. mylearningspace received the Moodle Partner Community Contributor of the Year Award!

This is awarded to the Moodle Partner that has best demonstrated a combination of initiatives, commitment and a positive contribution to the Moodle open-source project.

Moodle LMS 4.1
Moodle LMS 4.1 is released

Moodle LMS 4.1 builds on the user experience enhancements and features of 4.0, giving more possibilities to build better learning experiences and for learners to find what they want when they need it.

Moodle past, present and future

Let’s celebrate Moodle’s key milestones during the past 20 years, evaluate the present day and gain an insight to the future ahead.

Keeping audiences engaged online
5 ideas to improve online learner engagement

One of the most common challenges we hear about when talking with those responsible for online education is – learner (dis)engagement. Learners are not engaging with the online course.