Imagine the year is 2042. Welcome to the Moodleverse, an augmented reality (AR) environment driven by web 3.0 technologies, including next generation software and human-wearable hardware.
Open EdTech (OET) is the future of education. The vision is to build a global platform for educators, learners and organisations. Best of all, it will be 100% free and open source.
Businesses have been undergoing digital transformations for at least two decades, yet, many are still making the mistake of thinking that technology is the answer.
At the heart of MoodleNet, our network to share and curate open educational resources, is a feature to allow any registered user to create collections of resources on any subject.
Moodle HQ has announced plans to phase out the Moodle for School plans, however you have until December 2022 to switch to one of their new plans. Here are the important details regarding the new plans.
While human-centred learning is key to the adoption of new technology, the reality of many digital transformations is that they fail to return a profit.