TED Global South 2014

TEDGlobal is an annual 5-day conference that celebrates human ingenuity by exploring ideas, innovation and creativity from all around the world. The most recent event was held 6-10 October 2014 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Our Director, Chad Outten attended TEDGlobal South 2014 and said:

TEDGlobal was a stellar event. By far the best conference I’ve ever attended. The presentations were remarkably clever and inspiring. It was a privilege to meet and exchange big ideas with fellow members of the TED Community. I’d recommend TED for anyone wanting to make the world a better place.

Presentations at TED Global 2014 were organised into session themes:

  • TED Fellow Talks
  • TED University
  • Stories
  • Digital Reboot
  • Crossing Borders
  • Field Work
  • Urban Canvas
  • Empowering Tech
  • Blueprints
  • Lenses
  • Basic Needs
  • Lateral Action
  • Fighters
  • Mighty Spaces

Presentation highlights included:

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began 30 years ago as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues.

Visit the official TED website to learn more about the community, events, presentations and books.
