7 tips to convert face to face to online training

Learning in the 21st century requires savvy navigation between face to face and online training. Increasing budget constraints combined with new learning trends are motivating factors for any organisation to explore ways to not only convert their classroom training to virtual instruction but to keep it relevant and create just-in-time learning content.

Good planning and design are important elements when developing content for online training. We’ve created seven tips you will need to effectively convert face to face to online training.

1. Examine your content and determine your audience. Follow the ADDIE model when reviewing existing content. Conduct a needs analysis and identify any gaps in knowledge. Consult a subject matter expert if you need to.

2. Determine who your target learner audience is, how many learners can attend the event. Ensure the learning objectives are clear and learners know why they are taking the training.

3. Decide how you will deliver the online training. Will it be self-paced learning? Or Instructor-led? Choosing the method will also depend on your target learner audience.

4. Plan your content to follow a logical structure. Define the learning objectives of the module so the learner understands what they will be learning.

5. Design your content. Here you have several design choices available:

  • Break up significant points into individual slides
  • Highlight key points with appropriate graphics
  • Engage learners with interactive content.
  • Prepare questions for significant topics. Create polling questions and test learners at intervals to continue their engagement.
  • Stick to one or two fonts and use font sizes of 30 points or more
  • Distribute hand outs

6. Test your web conferencing software is important to successful online facilitating. Check any web links, or video’s you plan to use during a practice run. Doing a practice run will ensure that you smooth out any technical issues in advance. If you are co-facilitating the session with a subject matter expert, make sure you have agreed on your roles and how you intend running the session.

7. Create a quick reference guide of how you intend to run your session. A reference guide should include:

  • Presentations handouts
  • Instructions on how to use any web conferencing tools
  • Scripted notes for yourself and your co-facilitator
  • Troubleshooting advice for any technical difficulties which may arise

Having a debrief meeting with your co-facilitator and or subject matter expert is valuable as it helps refine learner materials and offer constructive feedback and suggestions for improving virtual instruction. Plan to review and revise your materials as you gain more experience in virtual instruction.
