Compliance Training

As required by law, many organisations must provide mandatory compliance training for their employees. Training involves workshops or online courses which may target induction of new staff and also regular training for all staff on a defined basis, for example, annually.

Compliance training is provided by employers for the benefit of their work environment and employees. It is a process of educating employees on the laws governing their work place.

Traditionally, compliance training was delivered via code of conduct manuals or face-to-face workshops. However,  due to time and cost constraints, many organisations now consider online training as a viable alternative. Furthermore, web-based content delivered via learning management system software is more interactive and learners can be effectively assessed, tracked and reported on.

Reasons to offer such training include:

  • Teaching employees to detect and avoid violations that may lead to legal problems both for the employees and the organisation;
  • Creating a workplace devoid of unprofessionalism, abuse, any kind of molestation, discrimination, sexual harassment and so forth. It helps create a harmonious and respectful workplace;
  • It also serves as recourse for an organisation to use in their defence if an employee acts or behaves inappropriately while performing duties. The employer has evidence that training related to the violation committed by the employee was provided.

There is a wide range of topics that may be considered for training in your organisation. Popular topics include:

  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Workplace Discrimination
  • Equal Employment Opportunity
  • Information Privacy
  • Bullying and Harassment