Digital Learning Space: Your Virtual Hub

A digital learning space is a virtual hub that gives your learners access to a wide range of learning materials.

The International Space Station is a modular learning centre that keeps building on previous work–it is analogous to a digital learning centre.

Take a look at your mobile phone right now. It is a perfect example of digital learning space.  Think of what you can access through that phone if you are connected to the Internet.

You have thousands of apps that can link you into everything from music on demand, to how to pilot a drone videos and an actual app that will allow you to control that drone you just bought. You can learn how to repair your bicycle brakes, or how to make a chocolate cake without butter.  You can even learn the history of butter.

What a powerful tool, right?

Then why not make your Learning Management System a digital learning space? Sticking with your mobile phone as an analogy—think of your LMS as a hub for all kinds of information, not just training modules.

Your LMS can be a source of downloads like important company documents, updated product information for clients, new innovations for your market segment, videos from experts, and yes, your learning modules for required on the job skills.

Let’s say your boss comes in and says, “I want my website to be a source of information not only for employees but for customers. Make it happen.”

What would you do if you were trying to teach yourself a foreign language? What first steps would you take?  Chances are you would download an app that would teach you the fundamentals of that language, an app that would have ways to practice that language.  Something that is portable, that you can access quickly when you have a moment to spare.

Google has an app now that links to Google Translate and pairs with your mobile phone mic, so you can speak an English word into your mic, and out will come the foreign language equivalent. A universal translator from Star Trek available now.

Not to exaggerate here, but think of your LMS as hub for knowledge, not just a place to hang your hat until you take the train home to a bland meal. And with social media plug-ins, idea sharing has become even more dynamic, which is a service offered by My Learning Space and its partner Totara.

Your employees will appreciate the small effort it takes to make your LMS a center of learning, not just a “have to do” in order to keep your job.

My Learning Space is your virtual learning hub so contact us to learn how you can take advantage of all the digital assets that will turn your learning space into an international space station.
