Enhanced course editing with Moodle 4.0

Moodle LMS 4.0 has a new contemporary interface and a redefined user experience that improves online teaching and learning for educators, learners and administrators.

Let’s look at how the latest version of our open source LMS enhances the course editing experience for teachers.

Access relevant course sections in one click

Moodle LMS 4.0 has a complete new navigation for all users, which gives them easy access to the course pages they use the most. 

For teachers, the new navigation includes direct access to the course Settings, Participants, Grades and Reports, as well as to a dropdown where you can find items like the Question bank or the new Course reuse page, the place where you can import, backup, restore, copy or reset your courses.The new, redesigned course page on Moodle 4.0. It has a clean design. Under the course title, the new navigation menu contains the items Course, Settings, Participants, Grades, Reports and More. From More, a dropdown menu has shortcuts to the following sections: Question bank, Content bank, Course completion, Badges, Competencies, Filters, Download course content, Repositories, Published as LTI tools, Accessibility toolkit and Course reuse ImageThe new navigation for teachers gives direct access to the most used pages of a course

Reorganise content easily

The new course index on the left hand side of the course page shows a list of all course sections and activities. As you scroll down the page, the course index highlights your location and enables you to navigate to any activity just by clicking on the title. With Editing mode turned on, you can also drag and drop sections and individual activities within the course index to reorder them. Because the main course area and the course index scroll independently, you can also drag and drop content from the main course area to the course index, and vice versa, which makes reordering content in longer courses much easier and faster.On a course page, the teacher has Edit mode turned on. The new Course index on the left side displays all the contents in the course, and the teacher is reordering once of the items by clicking on it and dragging it with the mouse within the course index. ImageMoving a course section in the course index

Quickly identify activity types by colour

The new activity icons in Moodle LMS 4.0 have been colour-coded to reference their function in the course so that it’s easier for you to spot the type of activity you want to add: green for collaboration, pink for assessment, red for communication and blue for content.The Activity chooser in Moodle 4.0 shows all activities and resources that can be added to a course. In blue, indicating that they're related to content, there's Book, External tool, File, Folder, H5P, IMS Content package, Label, Lesson, Page, SCORM Package and URL. In Green (Communication), Chat, Choice, Feedback and Survey. In Red (Collaboration), Database, Forum, Glossary and Wiki. In Pink (Assessment), Assignment, Quiz and Workshop ImageThe new activity icons in Moodle LMs 4.0 have a clean design and are colour-coded depending on their function in the course.

Want to learn more?  Find out about Moodle 4.0 or watch Moodle 4.0: Course editing video.

This article was originally posted on moodle.com.
