The eLearning Guild recently asked its members to contribute to an e-learning cost-savings survey. According to the survey, respondents deemed the following as some of the more common ‘costs’ associated with eLearning:
- Content development
- Course design and development
- Authoring and multimedia development tools
- Course maintenance
- Infrastructure – Learning Management System
- Staffing and management
- IT support
- Professional development to keep up with tools and technologies
Top tips from respondents on how to reduce costs and improve results for course development included:
1. Good software offer better tools, support and value for money
2. Shorten courses to include only essentials
3. Use screencasts
4. Develop content once, use many times
5. Combine technologies – blend learning
6. Mobile content for mobile staff
7. Let learners create learning content
Reference: Shank, P. (2011) The eLearning Guild’s 75 Tips to Reduce eLearning Costs.