Induction Training

Induction training is a training program devised to introduce new staff to the organisationā€™s work environment, culture, policies, procedures and personnel. Effective training promotes a better understanding of the organisation and positively influences staff attitude, performance and productivity.

Induction training is recommended by human resource experts as it highlights to new staff that they are both welcome onboard and encouraged to add value to the organisation. This sense of accommodation helps new staff to adapt quickly to their workplace, thereby maximising performance which translates into greater output for the organisation.

Four keys elements of an effective training program are:

1. Orientation: this is usually at the beginning of the program where the employee is introduced to the organisationā€™s structure, history and values she/he is privileged to be a part off;

2. Mandatory training: the employer is legally obliged to provide this type of compliance training to their staff, for example, Occupational Health and Safety. New staff are required to take this training and there is a likelihood that it must be satisfactorily completed on a periodic basis by all staff within the organisation;

3. On the job training: this is a specific training provided to new staff giving them a clear understanding of the nature of their job. This training provides staff the knowledge and skill to competently perform their work duties;

4. Evaluation: finally, a training evaluation is conducted to assess what inductees have learned during the induction training program and to ensure they are ready to perform their job.

Find below some pointers to deliver a highly effective and engaging program:

  • Blended: use a mix of face-to-face (offline) and web-based (online) training as part of your induction program. The former will be delivered same time same place in a physical setting. The latter will likely require a learning management system to deliver online content and assessment facilitated by an expert trainer or self-guided by the new staff concerned.
  • Duration: the program should be an appropriate length. As a guide, we recommend somewhere between 1-4 weeks. It should be adequate enough that new staff have time to process new information but not too prolonged whereby staff cannot readily apply this new learning in the workplace context.
  • Multi-modal: staff learn and engage in different ways, hence, our induction training must reflect this. The program should use various media and delivery methods. This may include presentation, multi-media content, discussion, role play scenario, demonstration, observation, hands-on application and so forth.
  • Environment: the offline and online training environments must be carefully considered to promote effective learning. Inductees need to feel comfortable and relaxed in their environment. Offline, this may include good ventilation, lighting, furniture, coffee and adequate breaks. Online, this may include an intuitive software interface, easy to follow navigation, instructions and good content design.

Evidently, it is in every organisationā€™s best interest to create a training program that helps new staff build knowledge of the organisational environment, culture, policies, procedures and personnel.
