Moodle Moot Australia 2017 Call for Proposals

MoodleMoot Australia 2017 will be held in Sydney on 26 – 28 September 2017.

Moodle HQ invites and welcomes abstracts encompassing a wide range of areas that support the following aims of the conference:

  • to showcase the latest educational research and developments related to Moodle;
  • to share experiences with the open source platform – what have you learnt, what works and what doesn’t – so others can learn from those experiences to enhance and improve their Moodle sites;
  • to provide a forum in which to discuss education and the professional practice of being an educator;
  • to facilitate debate, networking and professional development opportunities.

Also, don’t miss out on early bird prices and a complimentary MoodleMoot T-shirt – registration is closed.
