Open Sesame integration for Totara

Courtesy of the internet, the global economy is changing and we are the winners. For example, Uber – the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Airbnb – the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Akin to Uber and Airbnb, the world’s largest library for elearning, Open Sesame, produces no courses but rather, aggregates and distributes ‘off-the-shelf’ courseware.

Totara LMS has announced an integration with Open Sesame. This makes buying and selling online courses as easy as downloading a song from iTunes. Thanks to the integration, you’re able to register directly with Open Sesame, search and download courses. Any purchased courses will be downloaded to your Totara site as SCORM packages where you can either turn them into a single activity course with the click of a button or include them in an existing course.
With more than 25000 online courses, Open Sesame is the world’s easiest way to train your staff. Popular course categories include business skills, safety, compliance, technology, industry specific and certifications.

Open Sesame has a special introductory ‘Power Pack’ offer for Totara subscribers: free and unlimited user access to 12 popular courses for 1-year. Courses include:
  • Effective Time Management
  • Good Communication
  • Email Etiquette
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook
  • Valuing Diversity
  • Fire Safety
Contact My Learning Space to get started with Totara LMS and Open Sesame.