Imagine the year is 2042.
Welcome to the Moodleverse, an augmented reality (AR) environment driven by web 3.0 technologies, including next generation software and human-wearable hardware.

Learners immerse with augmented reality (AR) learning experiences via wearable technology, such as Moodle Glass, pre-loaded with Moodle next generation software.

Moodle Watch enables educators to make informed decisions and interact with their learners in a timely manner.

Quantum leaps in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning further assist educators to improve the quality of education.

The Moodleverse, augmented reality (AR) and wearables are all supported by OpenEdTech (OET) infrastructure. This is a global platform for educators, learners and organisations. It is 100% free and open source.

How many Moodle users do you think there will be in 2042? I believe there will be more than 2 billion users. Do you think it is possible?

UNESCO has 17 goals to transform our world. They are referred to as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

When I recently spoke to Moodle Founder & CEO, Martin Dougiamas, he told me:
“One of the seventeen SDGs is to ensure inclusive & equitable quality education & promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
In fact that’s the most important one, because without that, we can’t achieve any of the other sixteen goals!”
Martin Dougiamas, Moodle Founder & CEO
Well guess what? In 2042, in partnership with UNESCO, Moodle achieves Sustainable Development Goal #4, Quality Education, by successfully delivering a Global Citizenship program. Topics include:
- Sustainable development
- Human rights
- Gender equality
- Cultural diversity
- Peace and non-violence

On our journey to 2042, how can you further contribute to the Moodle project? Find ways to get more actively involved in the Moodle Community. For example:
- Register on
- Post a question (or answer) to a forum
- Join the Moodle Users Association (MUA)
- Quality Assurance testing
- Moodle Educator Certification
- Write a plugin

That is the challenge. Thank you for reading.

This is an extract from a presentation by mylearningspace Founder & CEO, Chad Outten at Moodle Moot Global 2022, titled ‘Moodle: Past, Present and Future’.