The Role of Open Badges

In today’s constantly evolving digital environment, having a centralised online space to accredit skills and knowledge is crucial for learners. It’s also important for educational institutions, employers, and organisations to quickly verify these credentials as legitimate. 

Open Badges enable this by allowing badge receivers to host their badges in one single location and organisations to easily check that the earner’s skills and competences are rea. 

What are Open Badges

Open Badges are a type of digital badges, which visually representation of accomplishments or skills, that you can display online. They contain a series of information about the credentials it certifies.

When an institution issues a digital badge following the Open Badges standard, this information is embedded into the badge file as standardised metadata that other platforms can access and easily track back to the issuer institution for verification.

Open Badges can contain information including the badge name, the criteria to obtain it, the issue date and an expiry date for recurring certifications. This information can be traced back to the issuer organisation to verify that the badge is genuine and up to date. Because the information is embedded within the badge, anyone has the freedom to store their badges together in a centralised location or digital backpack, like Badgr. Since Moodle 3.8, Moodle LMS  has been certified as an Open Badges v2.0 issuer. 
