In today’s constantly evolving digital environment, having a centralised online space to accredit skills and knowledge is crucial for learners. It’s also important for educational institutions, employers, and organisations to quickly verify these credentials as legitimate.
Often times, learning experiences are either mandatory, too easy/difficult, boring, unrewarding or irrelevant. Education and training should engage the learner, however, the reality can be
Gartner Research forecasted that by 2015, more than 50% of organisations that manage innovation processes, will gamify those processes.
The Elearning Guild has come out with a test where you can see how much you know about ways to succeed with gamification. Obviously the Pokémon Go people got it right. But what are the lessons that you can apply?
Why is Kevin Spacey is a good example of how gamification can help eLearning? The House of Cards star proves that video games help his career.
Duolingo is changing the way people learn languages. Learn languages for free. Duolingo is Apple’s 2013 App of the Year.
Gartner says that by ‘2015 , more than 50% of organizations [sic] that manage innovation processes will gamify those processes’. The message then is clear; gamification needs to become part of elearning design if organisations want to train employees and achieve high levels of engagement.