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Tag: LXD
laptop with content on screen
Moodle Content Creation Tools versus Rise 360 comparison

Choosing between Moodle’s built-in tools, including H5P, and external solutions like Rise 360, is critical for enhancing learning experiences. This article explores the options to aid informed decision-making.

course design
Simple Ways to Improve Accessibility

If you’re building an online course, chances are you have less time to build it than you would ideally like. This can lead to the temptation to take shortcuts. One area that you do not want to suffer is the accessibility of your course.

bored learner
Are your Moodle courses boring?

Now unless you don’t like your learners, nobody aims to make boring courses. Lack of time and competing priorities makes it hard for you to give your courses the attention you would like. Good news, there are some very simple steps you can take to enhance your Moodle courses.

10 tips for microlearning
9 Tips for Microlearning

Microlearning means short, high impact bursts of learning. This term reflects their small scale and value as rich learning experiences.

Keeping audiences engaged online
5 ideas to improve online learner engagement

One of the most common challenges we hear about when talking with those responsible for online education is – learner (dis)engagement. Learners are not engaging with the online course.

group of people
Are you using groups, groupings and cohorts wisely?

So you’ve built an amazing Moodle course and it’s time to think about enrolling and managing your users. You may have heard of groups, groupings and cohorts, but do you know when to leverage each? Let’s take the mental gymnastics out of when to use each one.